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Press release

LightLab commences test series deliveries of UV chips

  • Test series deliveries commence in July
  • Continued test series deliveries to selected parties during the coming quarter
  • Important milestone in the market establishment of LightLab Sweden’s UV chip

Lightlab Sweden commences deliveries of UV chips to selected parties for evaluation of UV disinfection in their applications. The first delivery consists of a smaller test series and is done to a larger global white goods and appliance company now during July.

As earlier communicated LightLab Sweden develops UV chips for UV disinfection. This development is done in co-operation with Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (NTU Singapore). The UV chip components are based on LightLab Sweden’s proprietary EEE Light® technology, with further patent applications filed around the structure and manufacturing of UV chips.

Measured performance today shows a UV output power of more than 20mW per chip, which has been the development target. The current generation UV chips from LightLab Sweden has an active area of about one square centimeter and LightLab Sweden’s assessment is that the UV output power can be further increased. The manufacturing process is continuously being optimized and requires relatively moderate investments in equipment and manufacturing environment.

The market has shown a great interest in the UV chips for UV disinfection from LightLab Sweden and the first delivery of a test series, now during July, is scheduled to be followed by further deliveries during the coming quarter. The deliveries are done to selected parties, who have shown interest in evaluating this new revolutionary technology and product in their applications.

In parallel with the further development and optimization of the manufacturing process, the planning for higher volume deliveries is executed. The goal is to start establishment of some volume production capacity by the end of this year and to commence limited volume deliveries later during year 2018.

”We believe that LightLab Sweden’s innovative UV chip for UV disinfection of water, air and surfaces have the potential of becoming a game changer in the market for UV disinfection, open up new market segments and enable a wider use of UV disinfection in consumer products. The fact that we now can start delivering first samples to potential customers is a technical breakthrough and an important milestone in our market establishment.”, says Johan Tingsborg, CEO LightLab Sweden.

LightLab Sweden commences test series deliveries of UV chips for UV disinfection (PDF)